Our suppliers

Wild Garden: local micro-business run by Tia Cusden, who supplies us with fresh salad leaves and herbs

Charles Dowding: famous for his no-dig gardening techniques and one of our vegetable local producers. Do see his website for news, courses, books, local B&B and more

Stephanie Hafferty: local grower of wonderful veges that we take great pleasure in stocking

Riverford Organics: famous for their vegetable boxes. Now you can pick and choose your Riverford veges direct in Bruton Wholefoods

Pukka Herbs: fantastic range of organic herbal teas we stock

Zaytoun: a Community Interest Company supplying award winning fair trade artisan Palestinian produce in the UK, including to us

Godminster: maker of great organic cheeses, and could hardly be more local

Create a Goodlife: maker of vegetarian foods you’ll find in our freezer cabinet

Local resources / practitioners

Dario Gerchi: Qigong (Hua Gong) classes and workshops in Bruton and further afield