We’re proud to announce that Zaytoun Palestinian fair trade products have arrived in Bruton!


Zaytoun is a Community Interest Company founded in 2004 create and develop a UK market for artisan Palestinian produce. Members of the World Fair Trade Organisation, they launched the worlds first ever Fairtrade olive oil in 2009, and we now have this in stock in Bruton Wholefoods. Zaytoun’s olive oil won ‘commended’ and ‘commended by consumer’ in the Soil Association organic food awards 2011, so we hope you like it too.


Since 2004 the Zaytoun range has extended, and we’re now also stocking a range including their premium ‘Om Al-Fahem’ almonds (including honey roasted and smoked flavours), and organic tree ripened black olives. 


We also have Zaytoun’s organic matfoul (cous cous). It looks good: large grained, wholewheat, sundried and reputedly with a nutty flavour: we’re looking forward to hearing your feedback on it!

If you’d like to know more about the products, ethics, awards etc do check out Zaytoun’s website at: www:zaytoun.org, but in the meantime – why not just come in and try some?!